11 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

Avoid these foods at night for a chance at better sleep.


By Martin Reed


Food can improve sleep and harm sleep. In fact, our diets have a huge influence on our sleep health. Today I want to share a list of 11 foods you want to avoid eating late at night if you’re suffering from insomnia. Some of the foods that make this list are healthy – you just want to avoid eating them shortly before bed. As always, speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.


When eaten at night, their high fiber content can lead to digestive system irritation. 


Leafy greens are natural diuretics, which can result in you waking during the night to use the bathroom. Other vegetables, such as cabbage and beans, can be difficult for the body to digest. 

Ice Cream 

Sugar and carbohydrates act as a stimulant – the last thing you need when trying to relax and fall asleep! 


Capsaicin (the active component of chili peppers) can irritate the stomach, act as a stimulant and harm sleep by raising your body temperature. 


The sugar in fruit acts as a stimulant and can lead to irregular sleeping patterns. 


The combination of carbohydrate and sugar found in treats, such as cakes and cookies, make it harder for the body to relax. 

Red Meat 

When eaten too close to bedtime, red meat will not be digested properly. Alternative late-night proteins can include turkey or yogurt. 


Along with other greasy, fatty foods, pizza places a lot of stress on the stomach – especially when eaten shortly before bed. The cheese and tomato toppings found on pizzas are often acidic, making heartburn more likely. 

Dark Chocolate 

Caffeine is a key ingredient in dark chocolate, which contains a number of other stimulants. 


It may help you fall asleep, but it won’t help you stay asleep – and the sleep you get will be lousy. 


Obvious, yes – but it still has to make the list. Avoid coffee and other forms of caffeine after noon (the effects of caffeine last for ten hours). 

Source: Medical Daily 

The content above has been modified from its original posting on Insomnia Land.

Photo credit: Mic hael/

Apr 28, 2015

😧😧😧 and what I can eat before bed? 😢

Apr 28, 2015

Everybody lies 😈

Apr 28, 2015

Irina Luntsevich там было написано - йогурт или индейка. От себя скажу - немного творога нежирного или кефир. )) 😉

Apr 28, 2015

Shouldn't eat anything at least 2 hours before bed.

May 4, 2015

What's left?!?! 😂

May 7, 2015

Not sure I agree with article. That looks very edible

May 10, 2015

Thought veggies would be ok since many of them contain high amounts of water Cucumbers were always my secret weapon if i need a midnight snack