How One Argonaut Embraced His Identity

Kai Adami spent years struggling to accept himself, but with the help of Argus, he found the strength to finally do so.


By Azumio, Inc.


Growing up in Germany, Kai Adami (36) spent years struggling physically and mentally with the body he was born into. It took finding Argus and a community that truly accepted him that Kai could finally embrace who he is. 

What is your fitness story?

I grew up as a thin athletic kid. I was a good runner/sprinter who didn't fear handstands or bridges. When I hit puberty, things started to change.

I developed knee and hip joint problems, from then on, as well as a chlorine allergy, that stopped me from my beloved swimming and volleyball. My asthma, which developed when I was 9-years-old, due to living in an old house and being allergic to the mould fungus in its walls, did the rest.

I stopped moving. The pain in my muscles and joints grew. By the time I reached my 20s, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Due to the medication, I gained 40 kg in 3 months and later 14 kg more. I had chronic high cholesterol and Hashimoto’s disease, which made it hard to lose weight. My doctor told me I was facing serious health problems like cardiac infarction, stroke, and diabetes if I didn't start to change my lifestyle.

While all of this was going on, I was never fully comfortable with my body. I had the body of a curvy woman and I tried to live as one. I also tried to mimic the life of a heterosexual woman, but I slowly realized the body I was in wasn’t the right one. However, I couldn’t find it in me to admit that to the world yet.

In 2015, I stumbled upon Argus. I got my phone at the end of February and after a week or so, I was looking for a step tracker in the App Store and found Argus. I played around with the app, looked up what other people were doing on their timelines, and tried out their routines myself. I started walking more, eating healthier than before, and I also started doing speed dancing and running. I noticed the improvements happening to my body, which pushed me to do more. Within the first 3 months of using Argus, I lost 5 kg.

Argus made me understand that whatever my health issues might be, I can do anything if I stopped limiting myself. I now walk, dance, and I even started to run WITH the daily pain. I stopped smoking for 3 months now. I meditate daily now. I do yoga again. I’ve now managed to go down to 83 kg and hold it.

Through the Argus social network, I found friends who also had to deal with health issues and even severe pain. They showed me what was possible if one believes in change and dares to just do it. They helped me become more persistent in caring for myself in a holistic way. My friends encouraged me to not only feed my body right and challenge it gently to move more, but to also feed my soul in a healthy way, too.

After using Argus for some time, I realized I couldn't pretend to be a woman any longer. First, I came out as a man to my closest Argus friends, who took the news incredibly well. Later I came out to my other Argus friends. Those who reacted did it with a kind and open heart as my close friends did. Now I can continue my journey of having a healthy body, mind, and soul in an honest way. I can also set new health goals that correspond to who I really am.

How do you fit working out in your life? (What is your typical fitness routine?)

I get up at 6:00 a.m., meditate (for at least 10-20 minutes) and walk before going to work. When I return home in the late afternoon or evening, I’ll go on walks and/or do some workouts like core training, yoga and dancing.

I love the challenge feature on Argus a lot and normally participate in one. I tend to speed dance for my steps and then do interval training or a yoga class. My group and I adapt the challenges to our needs such as doing steps as well as integrating other healthy workouts.

What motivates you to stay fit?

The time is now for me to fully appreciate who I am and to enjoy life as much and as deeply as I can. That doesn't mean becoming a fitness addict and acting like a junkie. I want to live in unison with my whole-being and with other whole-beings I meet.

Knowing people on Argus, and being on the same page as them, has enriched my life more than I could have imagined. My Argus friends have motivated me to push forward. My body might not become the healthiest one, but I want it to be the healthiest it can be under the circumstances I have to face.

What are your health/fitness plans for the future?

I plan to become a runner and a better yogi. My current goal is to build and maintain a strong core to deal with my daily pains. I may have to live with the pain, but I will do everything I can to support my body. I want to become so fit that I can travel and be able to do longer hikes than the ones I’m currently doing. My diet is quite healthy, but I could work on it some more. I plan to not only reduce my sugar intake, but to cut it out of my diet completely. Also, because I am gluten-free, I want to try out more healthy recipes.

How long have you been using Argus?

I’ve been using Argus since February 15, 2015.

What are the top 3 things you track using Argus?

Dancing, walking, and yoga/meditation.

What advice do you have for new users of Argus?

Be open AND cautious. Don't befriend too many people because you want to make your Argus experience personal. It takes time to give and receive support on Argus as well as time to figure out what you want to change in your life and then actually changing your lifestyle. So try to be a good friend to less people than be a poor friend to many.

The Argus community is full of wonderful and inspiring people embarking on their own unique fitness journey. If you, or someone you know, have a great story to share, we would love to hear from you. Contact us at

Sep 2, 2015


Sep 2, 2015

Yay!! Kai you're story again! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Sep 2, 2015

❤️💛💚💙💜 Kai 💜💙💚💛❤️

Sep 2, 2015

Kai you are one amazing dude!!! Love ya man and soooo proud! 😘👌 you will inspire many more now !

Sep 3, 2015

Ohhhhhh, wow! I didn't notice yet. Thanks my dears. I will take this to inspire myself again. Still need to get a bit more back on track since I started the job. Without your support I would've given up. So I applaud you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💓

Sep 5, 2015


Sep 6, 2015

🌷🌷🌷 great story sweetheart!