How Argus Helped Kimberly Bounce Back

It took seeing where her unhealthy decisions led her that Kimberly finally decided to make a change.


By Azumio, Inc.


Kimberly Sawickey, a 43-year-old Administrative Assistant residing in Manchester, Maryland, has a familiar story: Way back when, she set out to achieve her fitness goals, only to suffer a setback that derailed the rest of her plans. It took a year of unhealthy choices before Kimberly realized she couldn't continue down her path anymore. Her renewed determination to get fit along with the support of her loved ones and the discovery of Argus led Kimberly to make the change she needed.

This is her story.

What started you on your fitness journey? 

I’ve been running since my 20s at least 5 days a week. For me, it was never about running fast or going the distance; I did it because I enjoyed it. I didn’t start racing until I was in my 30s when my best friend got me into racing. We did a few marathons, sometimes 2 races a year. It was then that things changed. I began focusing on my speed rather than how I felt when running. 

My last marathon was just after my 40th birthday, which I overtrained for. At the halfway mark, I was under 4 hours, my best marathon pace yet. However, I should have been listening to my body because during the 15th mile, I tore my right achilles. The run was grueling and painful. I limped towards the finish line at the end, becoming the very last person to cross it after 6 hours. 

After the race, I couldn’t walk for almost a week without experiencing great pain. I was so depressed and incredibly disappointed in myself. It took almost a year before I did any sort of running or working out again. I went from 150 to 180 pounds and my blood pressure was so high, I had to start taking blood pressure medicine. I was miserable and depressed, having no energy whatsoever. 

Fortunately, my then fiancé helped me any way he could to get me back out there. I admit at that time, I was barely trying. It was difficult for me to go running; I was way too heavy to do so without feeling pain. It wasn’t until I got my wedding photos back and truly saw what I looked like that I realized I had to make a change. 

As I got serious about changing my life for the better, I started researching online and found an article listing the top 50 best apps for health. That’s when I found Argus. It’s more than I could have imagined. I started tracking my foods and the different workouts I was trying. I didn't really hold myself accountable until I started posting pics on Argus. 

Thanks to my Argus family, I eat healthier than I ever had in my life and I am no longer taking blood pressure meds! Since last July, I have gone from 180 to 158 pounds. With more energy and a better outlook on my life, I can say with all my heart that this app and the wonderful people on it have added to my life in more positive ways than you can imagine. 

What is your typical fitness routine? 

I try to do something almost every day even if it’s just for 30 minutes or so. I have been known to change up my routine every month to keep it fresh. Right now, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I do total body weight training. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I do cardio plus yoga and pilates. On weekends, I do some sort of cardio (running or hiking) and yoga. 

What motivates you to stay fit? 

My health first and foremost. My motivations used to be about looking good and fitting into smaller sizes, but as I got older I realized the most important thing is my health. Working out like this has kept my blood pressure down, enough so that I could get off the meds. It’s also tough to be on Argus and not workout, walk or be active. You go on the newsfeed any time and you will see tons of very busy people fitting activity in their lives. It’s great because they all inspire me to push myself to be the best version of who I can be. 

How do you fit working out in your life? 

It definitely helps that my family is active as well, especially my husband who is very active. He races mountain bikes in the summer and works out year round with me almost daily. I also surround myself with active friends. Every day after work, I workout before dinner with my husband. Two days a week, I even workout with my best friend. 

My Argus family also keeps me in check. If you want to be held accountable, put up a status to let your friends know that you plan on working out. I always feel like I can’t back out once it’s up on my status. The response from the community helps push me harder. 

What are your health /fitness plans for the future? 

My goal is to keep fitness not as a plan, but as a way of life. I’m always trying to find the best way to workout smarter for my body and health. I would really love to do at least one more marathon by the time I’m 45. If I can just get out there and do one more successful race with no injury, I will feel like I really turned it around. But for the short-term, this summer I’m doing a 40 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail with my husband and I know I can do it!

How long have you been using Argus? 

I have been using Argus so much that I’ve lost track of exactly when I started using it. Looking it up, it seems I have been an Argonaut since July 2014. 

What are the top three things you track on Argus? 

I track my sleep patterns. I always look at them when I rise and they are about 95% accurate for me. I also use it to track my water and food intake, steps, and, of course, workouts. 

What advice do you have for new users of Argus? 

If you are lucky enough as I was to find this app, then use it for everything it offers. The more you use it, the more successful you will become, whatever your goal. And if you have a question about someone’s food or workout, just ask them! That is what is great about this community. There are no stupid questions. We are all on here to find a balance to be fit and healthy. 

The Argus community is full of wonderful and inspiring people embarking on their own unique fitness journey. If you, or someone you know, have a great story to share, we would love to hear from you. Contact us at


May 10, 2015

I knew you were one of the great ones

May 10, 2015

Hi peter mikhail thank u so much sweetie 😀😘😘 hope your having a great weekend !

May 11, 2015

Looks like I'll have to buy an extension ladder to handle my personal opinion of you, Kimberly. What a joy to know more about you!! Kudos for putting yourself out there, and thank you again and again for being my Friend. ❤️😄🙅 🐾👟🎧

May 11, 2015

Hi Carolyn McCann thank you so much no ladder needed sweetie I don't think my story is exciting at all but honored anyone wanted to read it 😘😊

May 12, 2015

Awesome Kimberly !!!! Such an inspiring story!!

May 23, 2015

Amazing Kimberly!!! I am 100% sure that you will be able to run that marathon!!! 😊😁 Your buddies here an Argus are rooting for you!❤️😁

May 24, 2015

Thanks for sharing your story! Good luck on your big hike.

May 26, 2015

Fantastic story Kimberly Sawickey - thank you for letting us in on it, well done on your achievements and for keeping to push the boundaries further x

Jun 4, 2015

Great story Kimberly Sawickey thank you for sharing

Jun 9, 2015


Jun 10, 2015

Thank u Erkb 😃. Thank you Angela for your reading it sweetie 😃

Jun 10, 2015

Thank you all friends for your support and for taking any time to read it 😘😃

Jun 11, 2015

U really inspired me kimmy

Jun 13, 2015

How did you get all that paint on you

Jun 16, 2015

good time